People Always Ask Me “Why Japan?” Here’s a 4 Minute Video With My Answer

Why Japan?

This is the most common question I get asked when I tell people I’m going to Japan. It’s a fair question and one I’m happy to answer.

Normally I’d write an answer, but the kind folk at OMF (the group I’m going to Japan with) put together this film of me giving my response to that question, and then spliced it together with cool shots of kung-fu films and stuff.

If you’re interested, OMF have a fair few other videos on Vimeo: check them out here.

3 thoughts on “People Always Ask Me “Why Japan?” Here’s a 4 Minute Video With My Answer

    1. levibooth Post author

      I totally agree. I thought the purpose for using a white background was so that they could put in a cgi battle between a mechadroid ninja and Godzilla clad in samurai armour. I was played like a fool!



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